A collaborative workshop titled “Foundation & Specialized Multi-Agency Training for Law Enforcement and Intelligence Officers on Foreign Terrorist Fighter (FTF)” took place at the Hilton Hotel in Kota Kinabalu from February 26 to March 1, 2024. Organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in partnership with the Australian Government, the event aimed to enhance the operational capabilities of Malaysian civil servants in combating the movements of FTF.
This five-day workshop was attended by a total of 25 participants from various Malaysian law enforcement, intelligence, and border agencies. The workshop was divided into two parts. Initially, the focus was on building foundational knowledge concerning terrorist threats in the region, legal frameworks, inter-agency cooperation, terrorism financing, and online recruitment.
This segment, spanning the first two days, featured presentations from key entities such as the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP), Australian Border Force (ABF), Australian Federal Police (AFP), and Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM.
Practical exercises and interactive scenarios were conducted to reinforce theoretical concepts, with subject-matter experts facilitating simulated real-world interview scenarios. The training also delved into evidence management, with a particular emphasis on handling digital evidence and conducting financial investigations. Additionally, the workshop provided a platform for participants to share their experiences in managing Foreign Terrorist Fighters.
Prepared by:
SEARCCT, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia
15 March 2024