17 Januari 2025 3:31 am


3R (Radicalisation, Rehabilitation & Reintegration) Prison Series

SEARCCT collaborated with the Prisons Department of Malaysia to conduct a series of interviews with current and ex-detainees who were convicted of involvement in terrorism-related activities. The objective of the series was to create and disseminate CVE-based videos and comics that provide real-life experiences of the dangers of extremism and radicalisation. Family members of former detainees were also interviewed in order to provide insight on the impact as well as suffering that families of convicted terrorists have to go through in their absence, as a means of showing the audience that their actions have dire consequences to others as well as themselves. The resulting comics and videos were then disseminated via SEARCCT’s MyAman social media pages.

Digital Miniseries With Suria FM - Bongkar ! Series

Recognising the continued importance of radio in Malaysian society, SEARCCT teamed up with Suria FM to produce the Bongkar! Series, which culminated in the creation of 8 episodes hosted by Issey, a popular Suria FM Announcer. The episodes were aired for a total of 8 weeks on Suria FM’s Facebook page. This project was mooted with the agreement that even though issues of terrorism and radicalisation should not be trivialised, there was still a need to repackage these complex issues into one that was more digestible for the Malaysian audience. Therefore, given that the Suria FM franchise was well-known for its entertainment value, it was agreed upon that the various episodes would encapsulate humorous elements as well as emotionally-charged elements, particularly with regard to family dynamics. The videos focused on both direct and indirect messages related to countering violent extremism (CVE), such as the importance of digital literacy, dangers of online anonymity on social media and gaming platforms, unity in diversity, and others.

Curbing Ideologies of Violent Extremism Through Comics And Technology (CIVETCAT)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how about twelve pages of pictures? Due to a growing consensus that countering the proliferation of violent extremist (VE) ideologies in both the virtual and non-virtual space must employ a variety of media that are able to effectively deliver counter-and alternative messaging to the target demographic that is most susceptible to VE influence, SEARCCT worked together with established comic artists to produce 12 CVE-based comics. Comics are an effective medium, particularly because it is a visual medium that allows complex ideas to be broken down to easily consumable images. Not only that, comics are believed to be fairly popular among the target demographic of vulnerable groups, the readers being between 17 and 30 years of age. The resulting comics were disseminated online as well as utilised as resources in SEARCCT’s outreach programmes.

Teh-Tarik Talks

Who wouldn’t enjoy a glass of teh-tarik, with a side of thosai or chapati, shared among friends? It is with this time-honored tradition among Malaysians in mind that the Teh-Tarik Talks had been envisioned – series of short videos designed to raise awareness and shape the debate surrounding violent extremism and the factors that contribute to support for terrorist-related activities. Understanding that directly addressing a dry and serious topic such as terrorism might in itself be not only boring but also potentially controversial , SEARCCT decided to generate interest and disarm misgivings at the same time by combining discussions on countering violent extremism with a popular Malaysian pastime – eating! The themes covered include: the need for holistic education; the role and impact of social media; and giving back to society. The videos can be found here.

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Kementerian Luar Negeri Malaysia


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17 Januari 2025

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